PWR Coin Road Map Details

While the home page of the website does provide a PWR Coin road map graphic as well as a time line this was meant to give a very simple and basic overview at a glance. To provide a more in-depth description of specific road map tasks we have provide the information below for your viewing.

Note: We will always do our best to produce all roadmap items on or ahead of schedule and we also reserve the right to modify the roadmap due to unforeseen complications or if we determine that a better choice exists.


1st Quarter 2018

New Development Team

PWR Coin which was a previously dead coin got picked up by a new development team consisting of Disaster Faster, PlainKoin, Gary Hobson and Crypto Ethano.

New Branding

Due to previous DMCA issues the old Powercoin was rebranded to become PWR Coin. The previous ticker of PWR was kept and a new logo and color palette was adopted along with the new tagline, “Knowledge is Power!”

New Digital Footprint

An entirely new digital footprint was created for PWR Coin that included: Domain name, website, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Youtube, Github, Reddit, Bitcointalk, Discord and Telegram. This also included an assortment of professional background graphics for each platform.

New Exchange Listing

PWR Coin was listed on CryptoHub Online exchange and began trading.

2nd Quarter 2018

New Website

During the 1st quarter of 2018 a temporary website had been put up. At this time that website was completely reworked to create a professional online presentation for PWR Coin.

Release Roadmap

A basic roadmap graphic and timeline for anticipated tasks were made available on the website and at Bitcointalk. It was also shared on all our social media channels.

Release White Paper

A comprehensive white paper outlining PWR Coin and our use case with PWR Pay was released and shared on all our social media channels.

Release V 2.0

The release of PWR Coin QT wallet version 2.0 brought a variety of very important fixes and updates to the coin. A security flaw was addressed, new features were added, seed nodes were hard coded for easy synching, POW was turned back on, POS staking was drastically reduced, all new graphics were added, cross compile routines for Linux were developed, extensive testnet testing was completed, a 64 bit Windows version was created and more.

3rd Quarter 2018

New Marketing Videos

Four professional short intro marketing videos were created as well as one longer video which details coin specifications and use case.

New Tutorial Videos

A variety of tutorial videos were created on topics such as download, setup and encryption, staking optimization, backup procedures, how to send/receive coins, how to import private keys, how to use the paper wallet, how to pool mine, etc.

Release Paper Wallet

A paper wallet was developed and released which allows for storing coins off line in a paper printed format.

Release Tip Bot

A tipping bot was developed and released for use at Discord. The primary focus of the tipping bot is for community entertainment and community building. It also is a useful tool for community managers to pass out coins for bounties and rewards.

4th Quarter 2018

Branding Push

A branding push will make use of our short intro videos and these will be marketed on the various social channels. We will also be offering rewards and bounties to encourage community members to help with the branding push.

Marketing Push

A marketing push will make use of our explainer video and this will be marketed on the various social channels. We will also be offering rewards and bounties to encourage community members to help with the marketing push. Additionally, we will create display graphics that will be advertised at a market cap site CryptoCap World and we will also do a bounty campaign for signature advertising at Bitcointalk.

New Market Cap Listing

All market cap sites which list PWR Coin will be checked for accuracy and any needed changes will be submitted to them. At this time, we will also research to see if there are any market cap sites which do not list PWR and any of those will be submitted to for a new listing.

New Exchange Listing

We will be submitting PWR Coin for listing at a midrange exchange Crex24. We will also be submitting PWR Coin for listing at a midrange decentralized exchange BarterDex.

1st Quarter 2019

Wallet Enhancements

A community survey will be conducted prior to this quarter to determine demand for any needed wallet features and enhancements. At this time a new wallet version will be released which includes any agreed upon features as well as any other fixes that may be needed.

Lightweight Wallet Version

A lightweight wallet version that is cross-platform compatible will be developed and released. All required infrastructure will be provided by the dev team.

Tipping System

A tipping system will be developed and incorporated into the existing tip bot. This will be used at Discord and set up to drizzle or rain coins on users who have elevated their roles and status in the community by being actively engaged and meeting specific criteria.

Dice Game

A dice game will be developed and released for use at discord. This will be a form of entertainment for the community where they can use coins and take a chance to roll dice for rewards. The dice game will be making use of an interface to the existing tip bot.

2nd Quarter 2019

Market Analysis

A marketing analysis will be performed to analyze the success of previous efforts. This will then be used to determine the most effective methods that will be continued going forward.

Marketing Push

A marketing push will focus on growing the size of our community and we will leverage presenting previously released items such as the tipping system and dice game.

Online Staking Pool

PWR Coin will be added to Staking Lab online staking pool to replace the now offline Eco-Staking pool.

New Exchange Listing

At this time, we will be getting listed on a much bigger exchange Mercatox.

3rd Quarter 2019

Marketing Push

A marketing push will focus on the upcoming release of our PWR Pay ecommerce payment gateway. The advertising channels will include all social channels as well as Bitcointalk. We will also be leveraging bounties to motivate the community to help us have greater reach.

Android App

An android wallet app will be developed and released. All required infrastructure will be provided by the dev team.

Website Ecommerce

The PWR Pay ecommerce plugin will be officially released for Woocommerce (WordPress). Additionally, an online shop will be added to the PWR Coin website and it will make use of the PWR Pay plugin.

Website Faucet

A PHP based widget will be developed and released at the PWR Coin website and an API will also be made available so that other selected websites may also make use of the PWR Coin faucet.

4th Quarter 2019

Marketing Push

A marketing push will focus on use case statistics and user feedback for the PWR Pay plugin. The advertising channels will include all social channels as well as Bitcointalk. We will also be leveraging bounties to motivate the community to help us have greater reach.

iPhone App

An iPhone wallet app will be developed and released. All required infrastructure will be provided by the dev team.

Wallet Enhancements

A survey of PWR Pay wallet users will be conducted prior to this quarter to determine demand for any needed wallet features and enhancements. At this time a new wallet version will be released which includes any agreed upon features as well as any other fixes that may be needed.

Decentralized Exchange

At this time, we will be getting listed on a much bigger decentralized exchange CryptoBridge.